Nice to meet you! I'm Isabelle, a Technical UI Designer based in Brazil.


Currently working on Fortnite at Epic Games, I'm dedicated towards implementing and maintaning reticles and in-game menus, all while gathering and applying necessary feedback from the many different teams involved. Due to my programming background, I also have a keen eye for troubleshooting issues and bugfixing. With that considered, one of my passions within this role is being able to create quick prototypes based on early mockups from the art and gameplay team, bringing their vision together and allowing for earlier iterations on a feature. 

Here are some of the titles I've worked on

Fortnite @ Epic Games

2023 - Current

  • Focused on implementing in-game menus and weapon reticles for the Battle Royale game mode. This role relies heavily on Unreal Blueprints and Widgets knowledge, but some material and animation work has been done as well.

  • Using Unreal Engine 5, while also learning how to use Perforce for version control and Figma for UX/UI reviews.

  • Working on a seasonal team with around 100 people from different areas, organized in an agile methodology.

Horizon Chase 2 @ Aquiris

2021 - 2023

  • Worked mainly on the front-end non-gameplay screens, with a heavy focus on implementing and creating reusable widgets for the game. I've also done some material and bugfixing work for the HUD of the game.

  • This role relied heavily on understanding the UI art team's requests and implementing them with as much precision as possible, involving a lot of back and forth feedback.

  • In this project, I've worked in a very fast-paced environment, but I've also had the experience in training new people and welcoming them into the project.

  • Near completion of this title, 'Aquiris' was then acquired by Epic Games, and became Epic Games Brazil.
